
Achilles Tendonitis



The Achilles tendon attaches your calf muscles to your heel bone. Achilles tendinitis is an overuse injury of the Achilles tendon through intense physical activities such as running or jumping.


  • Discomfort or swelling in the back of your heel
  • Tight calf muscles
  • Limited range of motion when flexing your foot


  • Wearing old or poorly fitting shoes
  • Wearing high heels daily or for prolonged durations
  • Exercising without a proper warmup
  • Straining the calf muscles during repeated exercise or physical activity


  • Wearing orthotics shoes with a built-up heel to take tension off your Achilles tendon
  • Very gently stretching and later strengthening your calf muscle
  • Physical therapy

· Let our friendly consultant help you to do a detailed analysis to help you solve your foot pain



Highly recommend considering Happy Walker Custom-Made insoles to help alleviate your pain effectively. Custom insoles are specifically designed to provide personalized support and cushioning, catering to your unique foot structure and condition. They can help distribute pressure more evenly, reduce strain on your feet, and improve overall foot alignment, thereby reducing discomfort and pain.

Our podiatry experts will carefully assess your foot condition and craft insoles that address your specific needs. With custom-made insoles, you can experience enhanced comfort and improved mobility, allowing you to carry out daily activities with greater ease. Don't hesitate to explore this option as it can make a significant difference in your foot health and overall well-being.


Don't let this problem continue to trouble you, your family, or friends. Take action now!
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