Flat Feet
Flat feet are a very common condition in Singapore. This is due to the genetic demographics of the region where this type of foot may be hereditary, acquired or due to ligamentous laxity. The artificial surfaces we walk upon every day expose our feet to greater wear and tear or degeneration.
The foot is the foundation of the whole body. Fallen arches put the feet out of alignment. Consequently, greater stress is placed on other joints in the body to help compensate. This is often the cause of soft tissue pathology; the two most common ones are Achilles tendonitis (tendon overuse injury) or Plantar fasciitis (inflammation of the fascia).

There are 2 kinds of flat feet:
- Congenital flat foot is hereditary, and present in varying degrees of severity in children as young as 2 years old. In most paediatric flat feet cases, the child may appear to have arches while they are seated or standing on tip toes. The medial arch only collapses when the child stands up. Flat footed individuals may also be diagnosed with hypermobility, a condition related to the laxity of ligaments. This laxity can also cause problems elsewhere in the lower limbs, such as the knees and hips.
- Adult-acquired flat foot can be caused by conditions such as posterior tibial tendon dysfunction (PTTD), arthritis, injury or diabetes. If unaddressed, the affected foot may deform and collapse more and more over time. This can result in loss of mobility, postural changes, and pain all the way up to the spine.
Flat footed patients may experience symptoms such as:
- Pain on the inside of the ankle and arch
- Pain in the leg and knee after activity or with high intensity sports
- Pain in the ankle due to joint impingement
Highly recommend considering Happy Walker Custom-Made insoles to help alleviate your pain effectively. Custom insoles are specifically designed to provide personalized support and cushioning, catering to your unique foot structure and condition. They can help distribute pressure more evenly, reduce strain on your feet, and improve overall foot alignment, thereby reducing discomfort and pain.
Our podiatry experts will carefully assess your foot condition and craft insoles that address your specific needs. With custom-made insoles, you can experience enhanced comfort and improved mobility, allowing you to carry out daily activities with greater ease. Don't hesitate to explore this option as it can make a significant difference in your foot health and overall well-being.
Don't let this problem continue to trouble you, your family, or friends. Take action now!
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