Heel Spur
As mentioned previously, many instances of “plantar fasciitis” do not actually involve an inflammatory process. Instead, the plantar fascia is weakened due to chronic collagen degeneration and tissue death. On foot X-rays, those with chronic heel pain may have a calcaneal spur (heel spur). Hence, the name “heel spur syndrome”.
Some chronic cases of plantar fasciopathy do progress to developing calcifications within the plantar fascia itself. However, calcaneal spurs do not necessarily cause heel pain – people without heel pain may also have spurs on X-rays. The “bone spur” is simply the reactive calcification of a plantar fascia undergoing chronic stress. The pathology and pain still stem from the plantar fascia.
The existence of a heel spur suggests that the “plantar fasciitis” has been present for a long time. However, it is not necessary to surgically remove the heel spur to address the chronic heel pain. Instead, conservative options are available for patients who prefer to avoid surgery.
Will it affect my walking in the long term?
We have seen patients who have lived with severe heel pain for years. In most cases, they have altered the way they walk in order to accommodate the pain. This may involve tip-toeing in the morning until the pain wears off or choosing a more sedentary lifestyle. Not only does this lead to a decline in fitness levels, it also encourages the development and progression of other conditions. With the right diagnosis and management, heel pain and other associated conditions can be minimised. Left unaddressed, heel pain can significantly impair your walking and everyday life.
Is It Okay to Wait for the Heel Pain to Subside?
While rest and home remedies may provide temporary relief, it is essential to address the root cause of the pain. Many patients experience recurring heel pain that worsens over time. Ignoring the issue can lead to more challenging management in the future.
At our podiatry clinic, we focus on conservative solutions. This may involve utilizing advanced technology and custom-made orthotic insoles tailored to your specific foot type and plantar fasciitis condition.
For a proper diagnosis and suitable non-surgical options, we recommend consulting a podiatrist to effectively manage your heel pain.
Highly recommend considering Happy Walker Custom-Made insoles to help alleviate your pain effectively. Custom insoles are specifically designed to provide personalized support and cushioning, catering to your unique foot structure and condition. They can help distribute pressure more evenly, reduce strain on your feet, and improve overall foot alignment, thereby reducing discomfort and pain.
Our podiatry experts will carefully assess your foot condition and craft insoles that address your specific needs. With custom-made insoles, you can experience enhanced comfort and improved mobility, allowing you to carry out daily activities with greater ease. Don't hesitate to explore this option as it can make a significant difference in your foot health and overall well-being.
Don't let this problem continue to trouble you, your family, or friends. Take action now!
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